One affordable and thrilling way to go on ‘nature themed’ holiday in Zimbabwe is camping. I remember the first time I was introduced to a well planned camping spree; I regretted how long it had taken me to have this experience. It was a completely unique wild experience, probably the closest I have felt to nature because of the exhilarating night time experience. If camping is done without proper planning however, it may end up being one’s worst nightmare. I am therefore going to share with you below, some of the major factors to consider when planning a camping holiday in the bush to have the best, fun-filled camping experience ever.
In no particular order:
1. Weather
Avoid any conditions or times that may expose you to uncomfortable situations. Contrary to popular belief, camping is actually a very cozy way to be intimate with nature if done properly. One such factor that may contribute to discomfort when camping is weather. To avoid weather surprises, we use an application called “weather forecast” whenever we’re planning our nature themed trips. It is a free app and easy to download onto one’s mobile phone. It has never let us down. It always predicts the weather with 100% accuracy. So ideally you want to avoid camping when it’s raining or when it is too cold without any hopes of the sun coming out. The idea of camping is to spend 90+% of your time outside in the bush not wrapped up in a sleeping bag. So I would say the best days to camp are those towards the end of the rainy season, just before winter.
2. Ablution block
As stated above, camping is not a survival situation. You are allowed to and you should make it as comfortable as you can. An ablution block is very important. Most game parks and nature reserves with campsites which have ablution blocks actually provide you with hot water as well. So if the option is available, I say choose a campsite with an ablution block and hot water. If however the hot water is not possible then you can put water in a bucket or dark coloured plastic jerry can and let it sit in the sun the whole day. By the time you bath at night it will be very warm, if not piping hot. We will do a separate post on survival kit and survival skills soon. It is important to possess some survival knowledge and skills especially if you are a traveller.
3. Location – aesthetics

To have a memorable nature themed camping experience you need to find a location with natural features that you love. I don’t have one specific favourite feature, sometimes it’s a mountainous view, a water-body and other times just being tucked in a woodland. The idea is to be hidden as much as possible from reminders of the city and be in an exclusively natural environment as much as possible.
4. Type of tent

Of course we can not talk about camping without talking about tents. There are many different kinds of tents out there with different designs. The main things you want to look for when choosing a tent are the protection it offers and its durability. How well can the tent withstand rain, wind, wear & tear and how easy is it to transport. Avoid relying only on what the manufacturers say about their product but also look for clients’ reviews. Secondly how easy it is to pitch. Even if you are a group of people, you want to buy a tent that ideally you are able to pitch on your own. In cases of emergency, you want to be able to provide yourself with a shelter, rather than fail because the only person in the group who was able to pitch the tent has hurt him/herself and is unable to do it. If you want I can do a separate post on the tents that we recommend and a step by step process of pitching them.
5. Food & cooking method
Braaing is a great way of preparing your food when you are camping. However, you have to make sure that you know that the campsite you are going to be occupying has braai areas and firewood. Some places don’t and many others charge for their firewood. So just do your homework and avoid assuming when it comes to your stomach. You may also carry your own camper stove. They mostly use gas so always carry a spare gas cylinder if you choose that option. Personally, we have seen that carrying the camping gas stove is always a good idea even if the plan is to cook on fire. In case the weather turns completely crazy you are then still able to cook on the camper stove. Pack your cooking utensils and cutlery well in advance. Packing on the day will always result in you forgetting something crucial (e.g., the can opener). To make life easier for you, it may be better to bring already cut vegetables and if you can pre-cook any food then you may want to do so too. Again the point of camping is to spend as much time as possible being intimate with nature and not to spend hours cooking.

6. Water containers
If you can, do invest in collapsible water containers. When they are empty you are able to fold them hence save space. If you choose other solid plastic containers then choose the sturdy ones that have been specifically designed to carry and store water. Having a 20 – 25litre plastic container burst in your vehicle while travelling is not a good recipe for a relaxing holiday…
7. Bedding
Make sure to buy a thick and high quality mattress. Remember the ground is going to be your base so you need a very good mattress to make it up for that. The ground can also get really cold so you need a good mattress to insulate you from the cold ground. Instead of carrying blankets, a sleeping bag is a better option. In terms of how much you need to carry, sleeping bags will save you a lot of space. Otherwise you will end up having to bring your whole house and hire a whole truck to only go for camping. There are some very good inflatable mattresses on the market which save a lot of space as well. You will however, have to be very careful about them getting punctured. Again if you wish, I can do a dedicated blog on the mattresses that we have used and recommend.
8. Clothing

Instead of carrying too many light jerseys and summer wear I just carry my summer wear, one hoodie and a thick winter jacket. Of course the night temperatures may drop significantly even in areas which are really hot during the day. So it can be confusing what to carry. I feel like cardigan jerseys are a waste of your space because they are in between weathers. So to save space just carry two types of clothes – one for the extreme hot and another for the extreme cold. Between those two you will be able to strike a balance. Never go out for camping without warm clothes. Hypothermia is real. Your health and life are not to take chances with.
9. Security
If you are going to a designated campsite then make sure that they have a good security system i.e. they are well equipped security wise. In general, you should avoid carrying valuables when going on trips but especially when going camping. When going to sleep also make sure to lock everything which you do not use while sleeping in your vehicle. Make sure that your vehicle is equipped with an alarm system and a GPS tracking system. Just as precautionary measures. You can find more tips on vehicle security on this article “6 Tips to avoid car theft, car jacking and smash & grab in Zimbabwe (courtesy of Presley Car Rental Zimbabwe)“.
10. Company
To enjoy your camping experience, make sure you are going with someone who has the same camping interests as you have, if you choose to go with someone (or other people). So many things can go wrong during camping, even to those who are the most prepared. The last thing you need while in the middle of dealing with a crisis is having a whiner to deal with as well.
I hope these tips are going to be helpful as you plan your next camping holiday.
Remember to always have a little intimacy in your life, & as always I’m talking about intimacy with nature.