I’ve been wanting to discuss this topic but I just thought that it may not be something you’re really interested in. Thanks to Emmy Muguti who suggested it on my Instagram story ‘question sticker’ and gave me the confirmation that it is indeed a relevant topic. Even though I travel with my husband a lot & wouldn’t trade it for anything, now that I partner with brands for some of my trips, I find myself needing to travel alone sometimes because the right time for me & my client may not always align with my husband’s work schedule. However, the show must go on.

For you, it may simply be that you enjoy your own company & would rather travel on your own, or it could be that your circle of friends & family are not that much into travelling so you have to travel on your own. Whatever the reason might be, I am going to share with you 8 safety tips that have worked for me, especially for my peace of mind when travelling solo. Zimbabwe is relatively one of the safest countries in this region, however, we still have to keep our guard up. And yes, the title is biased towards females mainly because I do feel like females are still considered to be easier targets by robbers or other criminals, however all the points I am going to be sharing do apply to males as well so let’s jump right into them.
1. Prepare & plan your trip enough so that you are as self reliant as you possibly can.

Do not allow yourself to be in a position where you have to get help from strangers in the middle of nowhere unnecessarily. Make sure that your vehicle has enough fuel to get you to the next service station or even better to your resort. Make sure that you have enough money & all the different forms of payment being used in Zimbabwe. I would also encourage you to avoid moving around with too much cash. This you can avoid by paying all your accommodation, activity & entry fees prior to hitting the road. If possible, buy fuel coupons as well, which also allows you to know the reliable areas to get fuel.
2. Make sure your vehicle is well serviced & you understand it fairly well
Avoid borrowing a vehicle with an unknown service history or that you are not familiar with. It is always better to take your vehicle to a mechanic if it is close to its service date so that you avoid surprises that could have been totally avoided. Know the basic mechanical stuff like how to change a wheel and also what the different warning lights on your dashboard mean. Be familiar with reliable service stations along the way and at your final destination. Always carry some basic tools in your vehicle and know how to use them. Not all vehicles are the same so avoid a solo trip with a vehicle that you are not too familiar with. You can check this article which covers 10 things to check on your vehicle before going on a trip.

3. If using public transport, make sure you avoid unregistered/ illegal transport & ask for guidance from the resort you are going to for the safest public transport available.
I have never been to a resort where the team is not helpful even when asked questions that may not be directly linked to their offers & services. Of course try to avoid sneaking on them with questions on the day of your arrival. They may need to do a bit of research on your behalf so start the conversation before your trip and ask questions about safe public transport including contact details way in advance.
4. Make sure that there are people you are frequently talking to back home, updating them on your whereabouts so that if they don’t hear from you they know in time that something is wrong

Sometimes as someone who enjoys his/her own company, people close to you may have got used to not hearing from you in months. This is however highly risky especially when you are travelling because if anything happens to you, it will take months before people know that something is wrong with you, especially if you took some time off from work. Travel or no travel, try to be in the habit of constantly communicating to at least one person. Make sure that there are people who know about your trip and you are in constant communication with them.
5. Find out about the mobile network that works where you are going & make sure you purchase the appropriate lines before you go.
A lot of destination resorts in Zimbabwe are in remote areas. It is therefore most likely that you may have limited network coverage with a particular mobile network. However, in most cases there is always one that works there. You therefore need to do your research and make sure that you have the suitable line. Also make sure that you have recharged it with airtime for easy communication with others well in advance rather than to start fiddling around when you’re in trouble and need to contact someone. On that note, also have certain contacts on speed dial so that with just a click of a button you are already dialing someone. Always ensure that your cell phone is fully charged – if necessary buy a small power pack with a mini solar panel to ensure that you can easily charge it at any time.
6. Avoid driving or going to places at night at all costs – Plan your timing right & know that there is always a next time if you fail to visit certain sites during the day time.

It seems like a lot of people like driving during the night time. If you are solo and without extra security then it is better to avoid being outdoors at night completely. I know this may sound intense but I’m strong on the notion that prevention is better than cure. It is possible that you may feel the pressure to do sightseeing at more places than the time of day allows, but the risk is just not worth it. You can always plan another trip and visit the remaining sites.
7. Pay the extra cash for a tour guide to avoid getting lost or stranded alone in deserted areas.
I can not emphasise this enough. There is no amount of money worth saving at the cost of your safety. Do pay the extra fee and just have a professional guide take you to the various sites you want to visit. If anything goes wrong, at least you are with someone who is familiar with the area. Guides are also helpful when it comes to taking pictures of you too lol.
8. Always have confidence in everything you do & everywhere you go during that trip – lack of confidence can be construed as a sign of weakness by the predators.
The best way to have confidence is to do thorough research about your destination before your trip and also thorough planning. If you follow all the other tips above, you will find that confidence will come to you naturally. So make sure that you’re over prepared even & above all enjoy your time without holding back.

Do expect a part 2 because there is so much that goes into solo travelling. Also comment with your additional safety tips too either here, or on Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin.
Happy & safe solo travels. Do not stop living your life just because you are solo. Travelling solo is totally possible & still very much enjoyable
Remember to always have a little intimacy in your life & as always I’m talking about Intimacy With Nature.