NB: It is strongly advised to read all the reviews on this site in their entirety to ensure that the destinations really suit all your needs & preferences.


  1. Introduction
  2. Booking, contact details & fees
  3. Travel/Motorist First Aid Kit for sale
  4. Directions, road conditions & best type of vehicle to use
  5. Arrival & experience with the staff members
  6. Accommodation & fees
  7. Meals & fees
  8. Activities & fees
  9. Swimming
  10. Game drive
  11. Game viewing from the boat
  12. Conclusion

NB: Romelda is the name of the establishment while Romelda Lakeside Retreat is the name of their luxury accommodation. They also offer other types of accommodation options which include Romelda Midwaters (their self catering lodges) and Romelda Camping (their campsite with different camping facilities).


It was four months prior to our trip to celebrate my husband and my 10th year anniversary and I was scrolling through google maps trying to find a third place for us to visit. The first two were already decided on and these were Lion & Elephant Motel in Bubye (a stopover place along Harare/Beitbridge road), and then Nottingham Estate in Beitbridge (our first holiday destination for this trip). The plan now was to find a cosy place in Masvingo, preferably by Lake Mutirikwi so that we could enjoy our anniversary gift, the boat.

I sat there with my phone for hours, zooming in & out the destinations that Google Maps was pulling up. I was finding some places but none of them truly spoke to my heart until Romelda Lakeside Retreat popped up. I had to take a double look because I could not believe  what I was seeing.  “Is this not a scam?” my mind immediately became suspicious. Its beauty based on the pictures just looked out of place. I hadn’t seen anything even remotely close to that anywhere around the lakeside. So I did more research on it, asking people who frequented Masvingo if anyone knew about it and indeed there were people who vouched for its existence.

I felt so lucky to have found this magical-looking place so I reached out immediately to make our booking. 

Booking, contact details & fees

The contact number for Romelda +263774982756 was plastered all over their social media platforms and website just as we like it so it was quite easy to find. 

I sent a WhatsApp message on the 12th of August close to 10am and 24 hours later I hadn’t got a response. I freaked out a little but since it was the Heroes & Defence forces long weekend, I concluded that they must be quite busy and decided to cut them some slack until the end of day.

Half past four pm came with still nothing and at this point I was now worried that they may have closed. Their last post on Facebook was dated January 2023. I was panicking. I sent another message which I was anxiously waiting for a response to and thank heavens it came. It was a quick and sincere apologetic response in which they expressed that they had been busy due to the holidays. The conclusion was that they were going to get back to me regarding the availability of our dates “ASAP”. 

I felt some sense of relief but also anxious about whether or not the dates we wanted would be available. We had already got confirmation for our other bookings at Lion & Elephant Motel, Nottingham Estate and the arrival of our boat from South Africa so a change in dates was not an option.  

Twenty-four hours went by and now it was almost forty-eight hours with no feedback. It felt like everything was falling apart right before my eyes. I thought the delay was definitely because our preferred dates were not available so I asked my husband to reach out to them as I was no longer in any mental state to converse in case it was bad news coming. He messaged them and finally we got a response. Our dates were available! Phew! What a relief! 

We immediately received the proforma invoice which we processed, sent the proof of payment and finally I could relax knowing that all our three accommodation choices had been paid for. It was now just a matter of waiting for the travel dates.

Directions, road conditions & best type of vehicle to use

The travel date came and I was mostly excited but also a little worried. I was hoping that the check-in would go a bit smoother than the booking process had gone. Days leading up to us travelling, I had reached out asking about the weather and I had got a timely response (overall positive experience) so there was a huge possibility that the booking hiccup was not the norm but the exception. 

Romelda is located on the shore of Lake Mutirikwi in Masvingo Zimbabwe, about 302 km from Harare. The drive from Harare to Masvingo is now a breeze as the road is all good tar (except for a couple of kms in Fairfields). From Harare you take A4/Simon Mazorodze road (also known as the Masvingo/Beitbridge road). To get to Romelda Lakeside Retreat once in Masvingo CBD, you exit the CBD via A9/ Rekai Tangwena street also known as the Mutare road. You drive for about 27 km and then turn right and drive another 6.5 km. Romelda Lakeside Retreat will be on your right. Alternatively, you can use Google Maps and it will take you straight to the destination. 

We were coming from Nottingham Estate though, where we had spent a couple of nights so the drive was not as relaxed. The road is still being repaired therefore we had to take several detours and drive through horrible potholes.

If you are coming from Harare, a small vehicle is perfectly fine. However, if you are coming from Beitbridge, a small vehicle is a huge risk unless driven with extreme caution.

Arrival & experience with the staff members

As I saw the Romelda sign and felt the car turning towards the gate, my heart started pumping a little faster, hands sweating a bit. “This is it”. I crossed my fingers tightly hoping I would not regret my choice for our 10th year anniversary celebration destination. 

I sat tight looking around at the orchard in the premises then I heard a voice greeting and welcoming us. The gates were opened and we were directed to the reception. As we drove there my mind was mostly silent and nerves settled probably because the first engagement so far had gone great. Only my sight was the most active sense. The banana plantations reminded me of my maternal grandma and her homestead in Chimanimani, memories that brought a huge smile to my face. 

At this point everything inside me was just calm until we drove around the last corner and the back of the retreat was now in our full view… “What!”… The beauty of the garden took me by complete surprise. The healthy lush lawn in this dry season and the raised flowers looked perfectly picturesque, all complemented by the view of the lake in the background. Of course I was filled with excitement and relief. This place looked even better than it did in pictures. Imagine I’m feeling this way while only looking at the back. 

Tabonga (our host & guide) and Shepherd (our housekeeper) came to greet us with beaming smiles which again felt genuine. I knew I was at home. Tabonga ushered us into the restaurant section to fill in some forms but I just left all that to my husband and zoomed off to where the splash pool was on the wooden deck. I could not resist the mesmerising view of the lake and some stunning mountains in the distance that were staring right at me.

It didn’t take long before Tabonga offered us the best ice tea ever as a welcome beverage. To show you how great it tasted, it was all I wanted to drink during the entirety of our stay there whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner time. This kind and warm gesture definitely did not go unnoticed.

As if that was not enough, just as we were about to leave with Shepherd to go to our tent, Tabonga then announced that they had upgraded our tent from the standard tent with two single beds to the luxury tent with a double bed. It was not just the beds that were different though (as you will soon learn). It was more! I was ecstatic & grateful to them for their generosity. I could not wait to get to the tent now.

A few moments later, Shepherd escorted us to the tent, kindly helping us with the luggage. He was just exceptional with the way he attended to our tent and to us during all the three nights we were there. 

We got to meet more of the staff members there as well, as our boat had a couple of minor problems and they all went out of their way to help us. Just a phenomenal team they have there and I believe it speaks volumes on how great the leadership must be.

Accommodation & fees

Romelda offers several accommodation options to cater to different people’s needs. 

Firstly, there is Romelda Camping which offers a) Basic Camping which is $10 per person and b) Glamping with a tent and bed provided for $50 for 2 people. Beds can be added on request at $10 for each bed added.

Secondly, there is the Romelda Midwaters. This one comprises self catering lodges and additional chalets for bigger groups. A lodge that takes a maximum of 4 people is $120 per night and a minimum of two nights can be booked for. The said lodge together with one chalet that takes an additional two people is $160 per night while the same lodge plus two chalets which take an additional 4 people is $220. The entire Romelda Midwaters section can be booked too for $300 per night and it takes a maximum of 12 people. There is a well maintained pool there as well and ensuite bathrooms. 

Finally, they have the Romelda Lakeside Retreat which is where we stayed.

It is their more luxurious tented accommodation. The tents have ensuite bathrooms, an open wardrobe,a  private deck with lake view, a tea & coffee station, a solar fan and USB charging ports. There are options though namely the Standard Tents which have two single beds and then the Luxury Tents which have double beds and an outdoor shower & a bathtub each. The luxury tent is where we were upgraded to :).

When staying at Romelda Lakeside Retreat you also have a shared splash pool, a fire pit with moon deck and an outdoor deck with poolside seating area at the restaurant plus a covered bar and lounge area. You also have access to Wi-Fi, secure parking area and slipway (boat launching) facilities. 

Bear in mind when we got ushered to our tent, I had no idea of any of the extras that came with being in the deluxe tent. As we were touring it, I was just in a continuous state of being blown away.

The first thing of course that can not be ignored is the gorgeous view of the lake and the tents blending in so perfectly with their natural surroundings. 

I walked up onto the deck and indeed what laid in front of me was absolutely dreamy and whispered comfort and perfection. The double bed was well made with beautiful bright colours to contrast with the earthy colours of the tent. Off-white curtains were also draped all round the walls of the tent to brighten it. There was an open cabinet behind the bed which also served as a headboard. Great thinking! 

The top of this cabinet had a spacious usable space with a fan and a solar light. At first I was doubting how bright it was going to be but when night time came I even forgot I had second guessed this light at some point. I loved how its angles were adjustable as well, so it could either face towards the bed or behind the bed where the tea/coffee station was. 

Right at the end of the tent was the flap door into the bathroom. The bright colours of the walls and roof really helped to make the bathroom light and snug to use. There were also lights which worked both on solar and electricity. 

Facing the door was a white basin sitting on a multipurpose fixed black granite table. The table held the hand towels as well as the roll of tissue paper on the other side. Just above the sink was a  wooden framed mirror which added an earthy touch in the room.

Next to the table was a white toilet and next to it a capacious shower cubicle. The showers I had there were among the best I’ve ever had. Their use of gas for heating ensured that we always had reliable and unlimited hot water. We were also provided with good quality shower gel and shampoo.

After checking out the bathroom I went back into the tented section but now facing outwards. The view from the bed was just so heavenly. To imagine this was going to be the view I woke up to every single morning for the next three mornings was too surreal. 

I walked out onto the deck where there were beautiful faux reed chairs and a small table. I quickly did a comfort test on one of the chairs and I knew right away that many hours were going to be spent there. I stood on the  deck just soaking in the breeze and the view of the lake when I turned my head to my right and I saw an outdoor shower and a white sunken bathtub. I wanted to shout out in delight. I had totally forgotten that we had been upgraded to this luxury type of experience. I yelled for my husband to come quickly and check this out. It really looked amazing!

What a beautiful home away from home we had. I was in awe of everything and super impressed.

Meals & fees

We booked the dinner, bed & breakfast option excluding lunch, (please refer to the accommodation section above for fees). This is because we did not know if our adventures during the day would allow us to get back to the lodge in time for lunch. Our meals did however start with lunch on the day we arrived. 

Chef Mike made us some sandwiches (which we had ordered as we wanted something light). The sandwiches came with the best french fries ever and a salad of mixed vegetables and fruits. I believe the sandwiches had ham, cheese and tomato and they were absolutely tasty. When a chef turns an ordinary meal into something super yummy, you know you got a great one. The lunch was $15 each.

For the first dinner, we had bacon wrapped chicken breast, caramelised onions, some greens and creamed rice. I may not know the correct terms but this meal really hit all the right spots. I was impressed with the thought that went into it too. We wrapped up the meal with a scrumptious chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream. 

Second dinner was a delectable sweet and sour pork dish accompanied with egg fried rice and some greens. It was so full of flavour and texture. For dessert we had what I believe to be compôte wrapped with crêpe suzette and some vanilla ice cream. Just mind blowingly tasty. I was truly impressed by this chef’s skills and the well thought out meals. 

The third and final dinner was nothing short of palate magic. He made us beef stew and mashed potatoes but also the creative Chef Mike’s way. The plate was colourful with some greens and carrots. I have no idea what the name of the dessert was (though the Chef told us) but I know that I tasted chocolate, a bit of mint and other things that I do not know but super delicious. It had a crunch and at the same time a creamy texture. A masterpiece this meal was. 

All our breakfasts started with assorted fruits and yoghurt. Cereal was an option too but I’m just not keen. We also asked for the same breakfast every single morning as we are boring like that when it comes to food but of course Chef Mike took it as a challenge. He made sure to put a spin to all three breakfasts so that we would not have an identical meal every single morning.

So the first breakfast comprised sausages, tomatoes and cubed baked potatoes. We asked to have our eggs poached and Chef Mike expertly did them. We had this with toasted bread, butter, jam and tea.

The potatoes for the second breakfast were quite pleasing to the eye. They were like strips wrapped around together into a ball then deep fried. Super crunchy and super tasty. I loved it.

For the third breakfast, Chef Mike did something with the sausages which I’ll let the pictures explain and we also had french fries. Another surprise that morning were the mouth-watering cupcakes which they ended up packing for us as it was our checkout day.  

All in all the meals were outstanding. Chef Mike is quite an exceptionally gifted chef. We thoroughly enjoyed every single bite of every delightful meal he prepared for us.

Activities & fees

Romelda offers quite a number of engaging activities. Some are adventurous and thrilling, while others are for maximum relaxation in Mother Nature’s peaceful embrace. The activities include:

  1. Sunset/River cruise – $30 per adult & $18 per child
  2. Lake cruise – $50 per adult & $35 per child
  3. Dam wall visit as an add on to the Lake cruise – $15 per adult & 10 per child
  4. Fishing boat hire with a maximum capacity of 3 people – $15 half day & $30 full day
  5. Canoeing is free however if an escort is needed then there will be a charge
  6. Game drive for a minimum of 3 people – $40 per adult & $25 per child
  7. Rhino tracking for a minimum of 3 people – $40 per adult & $30 per child.
  8. Private Game Drive with picnic and tea for a maximum of 3 people – $60 per adult & $35 per child.

Please note that the fees above exclude Zimparks fees which are attached below.

The activities that we participated in are below. One of the main reasons we chose a place with a big lake was to also enjoy our anniversary boat, so we got to do a lot of that.


The moment I saw the splash pool and the views that came with it, dipping myself in this pool was all I wanted to do. As soon as we finished having lunch on the day of our arrival, I came right back to the pool. What a great feeling it was, being submerged in the clear Romelda splash pool water after hours of driving in the September heat. We were the only guests staying in the Romelda Lakeside Retreat section at the time so that meant that we had all the facilities to ourselves. I will forever choose travelling during the offseason for that reason. I relaxed in the splash pool for hours before retreating to our tent where we sat by the deck enjoying the relaxing view and Mother Nature’s sounds.

Game drive

The next day I knew it was going to be a Game drive day in Mutirikwi Recreational Park.

I have visited the park thrice now and have already published a review article about it which you can find here. The beauty about nature and wildlife though is that you can visit a park several times and your experience will be different each time. I would say this time was the best I’ve ever experienced Mutirikwi Recreational Park.

We opted for self drive as we always do since I’m an Ecologist and my husband an expert in the same field so we have a decent understanding of wildlife behaviour. It’s also a great challenge and bonding session for us so whenever possible we will choose self drive for game viewing.

The month was perfect for a game drive. It was September right in the peak of the dry season when trees have shed their leaves so the bush is much more open thus easier to see through. It is also dry enough that a few water sources are left for the animals, in this case it is likely to only be the lake. 

The issue was our timing. We overslept and went to Masvingo CBD first so we only got to the park around 9 am when it’s much hotter and animals are moving around less. My only hope was therefore to see the white rhinos though I knew it would be much harder because of how well camouflaged they are (especially when everything surrounding them is dry).

We drove into the gates, paid our entry fees and asked in general where the animals usually hang around. Just like humans, mammals are also creatures of habit. They will tend to settle in one general area because of availability of food, water, safety and sometimes for territorial reasons. We headed towards the direction the lady at the gate had directed us and the game drive began.

The breeze coming through the open windows and the bush smells were so relaxing. I wanted to close my eyes and just let my senses of feeling and smell take the lead but that would be counterproductive for someone who is on a mission to find game. So I tried to balance all the sensations and kept my eyes open.

It wasn’t long before we started seeing rhino dung along the road we were on. Of course it wasn’t a given that we would see the rhinos but at least there was hope. We were in the right direction. 

We drove a little further and came to a junction. We had to decide which way to take based on what the animal species there would likely be doing. We chose the road headed to the lake because at this time of the day, if any animals were up and about, they would either be at the lake drinking, headed to the lake to drink or coming back from the lake after drinking. 

All the way to the lake our eyes were almost bulging out trying not to miss anything. The atmosphere in the car was tense (a beautiful, focused kind of tense). At this point I stopped feeling the breeze and smelling the bush. All the concentration was on what the eyes were seeing. 

We got to the lakeshore and looked around.


There was absolutely not a single mammal that we could see. There were only birds which were great but not what we had taken that path for. We sat in that mild disappointment trying to figure out why we were not seeing a single mammalian species and of course it made sense. The road we had taken was the most frequented by visitors so of course the animals would have likely chosen to stay away from it (especially at certain times of the day) to avoid being disturbed.

We got closer to the lake and looked out further along the lake and there they were. A blurry herd of wildebeest and zebras. I felt hope and excitement build up again. We quickly got back into the vehicle and tried to find another road further out that turned towards the lake.

As if our steps were being directed by mother nature herself, while driving on this new road we saw a whole tower of giraffes seemingly waiting for us in all their graceful glory. It started off just being one but soon enough it was two, then three then all of a sudden there was a giraffe everywhere we turned. We knew we had to take the immediate right turn towards the lake again because these giraffes looked young and surely other much older ones would have been somewhere nearby. So we turned immediately and of course we were correct. 

More giraffes were there cheerfully browsing. They even noticed our vehicle but were not at all fazed. They correctly determined that we did not pose any threat to them and it was their calm demeanour around the vehicle that gave us the confidence to step out for some pics with them. They seemed overpowered by curiosity seeing us standing “not so tall” lol. They must have felt sorry for us so they happily took part in our photoshoot.

About thirty minutes later, we left and continued heading in the direction that we had seen the large herd of zebras and wildebeest but we unfortunately did not find any road that turned back to the lake. It was a failed mission but not entirely since it was because of them that we encountered the giraffes. So we drove back to where we had come from to focus on the rhinos again. 

As we were driving we saw one rectangular patch which seemed to have the highest concentration of fresh rhino dung. We decided to drive around this patch a number of times and as we were about to give up, I saw this huge rocky-looking “structure” in one corner of the patch. I immediately tapped my husband while simultaneously and excitedly whispering “Stop! Rhino!”. 

The sense of relief and thrill I felt at that point was out of this world. It really is fulfilling to manage to do something that in many ways is out of your control.  

We had to reverse and I think the vehicle passing the rhinos the first time caused them to wake up in a haste and cross to the other side of the road. By the time we fully got back to where they were, they had fully tucked their ginormous bodies in the bush on the opposite side. 

We could still see them through the dry branches and from their body language it was quite clear that they wanted to cross back to the side they were originally lying. 

Something was stopping them though…

Yeah, it was our vehicle. They must have felt like it was too close so we reversed, leaving much more space for them. Just some minutes later, the one that seemed to be the leader started moving towards the road and one by one they all followed.

For the best game drive and intimacy with nature experiences, it is important to try and understand what the animals are trying to communicate at any given time so that they can trust you around them. Our vehicle was not even that far but when they started crossing they were in no hurry whatsoever. They even decided to walk along the road giving us the clearest view of their majestic beauty. We even drove closer (leaving a decent distance though) and because they had concluded that we meant no harm to them, they allowed us. Patience until you’ve won the animal’s trust is the best way to go. 

I was in awe seeing this magnificent crash of rhinos. I sat there enjoying every second of that experience until they eventually moved completely out of sight. It was a great endorphins-filled day.

Game viewing from the boat

The next day we decided to dedicate it to boating and game viewing from the boat. We were using our boat for the first time and so without knowing how well it performed, the presence of hippos in the lake kept me on the edge of my seat. 

As the boat took off, I felt this calming breeze all over my body. The mountainous views  were nothing short of phenomenal. We headed straight towards the lakeshore on the national park’s side and immediately as we got closer, there were these two adorable bucks browsing. They seemed to be a bit curious about us so they stopped browsing to figure out what we were all about. It didn’t take long though before they established that we were just admiring them so they continued with what they were doing. 

Some minutes later, we got distracted by the cormorants which were chilling by the rocks in the lake. They had such beautiful silhouettes from where we were looking at them from. We got closer to them and while there we saw some figures that looked like rhinos from a distance. We decided to get closer to investigate and it was rhinos indeed – a mother and her young one. Oh! How adorable they looked grazing on the soft grass by the shoreline.

We chilled with the rhinos for a while before continuing with our exploration. It was such a beautiful day to be boating. The sky was blue which made the water blue too and the cool breeze while boating countered the September heat. The animals seemed to love this timing too as they were out in their numbers all lined up by the lakeshore.  Just as we left the rhinos, it did not take long for us to come across that herd of zebras and wildebeest that we had missed the previous day during the game drive. It was really a fulfilling moment seeing them so up close. Giraffes were not far from this herd either. They looked just as gracious as they always do. 

At this point I thought we had seen it all, so we were now just boating to get to a spot where we could anchor the boat and have some refreshments when suddenly we saw a species we were in denial that we were seeing.

At first we were sure it was cattle. Then we got closer but still from a distance and these animals started looking like wildebeest. We got closer again and in a shocked state I excitedly shouted, “buffalo! It’s buffalo! Oh My God! It’s definitely buffalo!”. It was indeed buffalo. 

I have been to this park three times now and I just never heard anyone mentioning buffalo hence the scepticism in concluding that they were buffaloes when we first saw them.

They were even a huge herd with another one right around the corner. I was over the moon. We immediately decided to head towards the second herd of buffaloes to anchor the boat there and relax while watching this big five species graze and interact. Little did we know we had another surprise awaiting us.

We finished the curve and tucked in a corner, were three rhinos which were also grazing there. Absolutely Wild! We now had not one, but two of the big five species that we could sit and enjoy observing during our break. I loved every minute of this. 

Now if you think that was the end of the amazing surprises, you will be mistaken.

We left this spot headed back to Romelda Lakeside Retreat when out of nowhere a mother hippo and her two young ones popped up on an island. The nature fairy was definitely with us on this day. The calves really stole my heart. When their mother spotted us and decided to go back into the water, these calves seemed to not have a clue on what had just happened but they knew not to defy mummy’s lead so they adorably followed behind their mother one behind the other. I felt a bit bad that we had disturbed their browsing and relaxation time but I’m selfishly so glad that we saw them. They really made my day and made the boating experience qualify as the best I’ve had in a really long time.


In conclusion, Romelda Lakeside Retreat is definitely among the best places I have ever been to for a holiday. When it comes to accommodation and hospitality, they are undoubtedly in the top two. I loved the cosiness of the tent, its practicality and how it was being taken care of every single day. I loved the view of the lake that I woke up to every single morning and the outside tub and shower. The meals were exceptionally good with so much thought being put into them. Our host was also on top of things, cheerfully assisting us with everything. The activities were so many and with a lot of flexibility in how one can partake in them. I would not change a single thing from my experience there. It was definitely a 10/10 minus absolutely nothing.

I hope you visit soon and if you do, I know for sure you will love it there but still please share your experience with me here or on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. Remember to always have a little intimacy in your life & as always I’m talking about Intimacy With Nature.

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