Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS
Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

4 Ways to save money when travelling in Zimbabwe 2025

Helloooo “Intimacy With Nature” Family 🙂 Happy 2025!!! Can you imagine it’s January again already, Wow!  I always like to start January with the topic, “money” because I believe that good financial decisions equals successful stress-free travel expeditions. So every January we run with the hashtag #TravelAndMoney and the topic for this January is, 4 …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

5 Mindsets to change that result in travelling being way more expensive than it needs to be

1. “Social media is real life” mindset So many people have been disappointed after being easily influenced to spend money on activities that a content creator or celebrity would have perfectly curated, edited & shared. Please do your due diligence after seeing a destination/activity you’re interested in.  Try to go the extra mile of doing …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

4 Unexpected travel expenses I’ve experienced in Zimbabwe and how to avoid them

I won’t even try to hide the fact that travelling is fun, exciting and rejuvenating. I would be lying though if I said all my travel experiences have been amazing and a breeze. There are certainly things that I did not expect to happen that happened and ended up costing me a lot of money …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

5 Travel Money Mistakes to avoid when going on a trip in Zimbabwe.

Is it too late to send best wishes your way for the new year?… I hope not! Here is to a fruitful 2022, filled with plenty of healthy travels 🙂 So, January is that month that we start from the top and reset again in order to prepare ourselves for a successful travel year. The …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

4 Money habits that allow you to save for your trips in Zimbabwe

In the previous blog post, we discussed 8 different ways to make money in Zimbabwe which do not require capital. In this blog post we are moving on to talk about the money habits that you can adopt that will help you save money after making it, especially in Zimbabwe. “Zimbabwe” being the key word …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

8 Ways to make money in Zimbabwe which do not require capital (-side hustles to make money for your trips-)

January 2021… WOW! What a year 2020 was. It caught a lot of us off guard and it certainly taught us a few life lessons. One of which is the importance of having as many side hustles as you can. You know I love talking about nature-themed travel & help people travel by giving advice …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

8 Tips on how to travel on a budget as a family in Zimbabwe, Africa

In the previous blog post, I talked about budget travel in general and covered a lot of tips including the best accommodation choice, meals, transport, best times to travel etc. So before you read this blog I suggest you read that previous one first then follow up with this one. One or two tips may …

Financial & Budget Travel Tips Travel Tips

5 Tips on how to travel on a budget in Zimbabwe, Africa

I always talk about the importance of travelling whenever I get the chance. Travelling changed my life significantly, particularly when it comes to dealing with stress, fear and anxiety. I’ve got to the stage of realizing that without giving myself breaks from the day to day routine and city life, my brain tends to clog …