What has prompted me to write this article is actually the time ticking bomb situation currently underway in Manicaland. And before you quickly click off this article because you are not based in Manicaland & so you don’t think this concerns you… Well, remember all the glamorous, magnificent Eastern highlands landscapes that you can’t wait to visit, or visit again?! Yup, it does concern you… Now, the time ticking bomb is of the disturbing levels of mercury & cyanide (lethal chemicals used in mining) which are now being detected in one of the city’s main sources of water, Odzani river. If this does not make your hairs stand from deep concern, I don’t know what will. I am talking about the city & region that once boasted for having the cleanest, safest & tastiest water in the country now potentially becoming the most contaminated and deadliest source of water. All thanks to the illegal mining happening in the region.

This issue was reported in the Manicapost on the 10th of June 2022 (https://www.manicapost.co.zw/mercury-cyanide-detected-in-mutares-water/) & to my surprise, I haven’t seen it being discussed anywhere among community members. Considering what’s at stake, I would honestly be expecting nothing less than an eager community asking for updates on this matter on at least a weekly basis. Instead, I hear many proudly claiming ignorance & just complete lack of care. I hope that the same will suffice in comforting people when it is time to see their children & loved ones in pain & burying them one after the other.
In his own words, according to the Manicapost, Mr Kingstone Chitotombe, EMA’s Manicaland Provincial Manager said, “From the test results which we got from SAZ (the Standards Association of Zimbabwe), they showed high levels of mercury in Lake Alexander. Lake Alexander supplies 25% of Mutare’s potable water, hence this poses a serious threat to the community“. SAZ also shared with the Manicapost that the maximum limit amount of mercury allowed in water is 0.02mg/l, meanwhile in Lake Alexander they recorded 0.898mg/l of mercury. Literally over 44 times the acceptable quantity. Lake Alexander is a lake that was built on the Odzani River in the 1960s with the main objective of supplying water to the communities.

I am not completely against mining however I am deeply concerned with illegal mining which we all should be concerned with because of the devastating effects it causes to all life forms. By illegal mining I mean any form of mining that does not follow its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) guidelines to the dot or one that does not have that document at all. The assessment ideally investigates whether the negative effects from the mining can be borne by the communities and the environment without loss of lives or extinction of other organisms. If the answer is no then the project can not and should not be approved. If the answer is yes the project can go ahead, however, it’s with strict & clear guidelines stipulated in this EIA document that are to be followed. These guidelines are meant to significantly reduce the damages caused by the mining activity. They are also there to ensure that chemicals like mercury & cyanide are disposed of properly, with no chance of them ever finding their way into water bodies.
I understand the state of the economy has pushed many to desperate situations BUT to the extent of accepting potential mass murder to happen right in our eyes?? I don’t think so… If anything, can we at least ask questions and follow up on such important issues closely, with deep concern so that we don’t wake up when all hope is completely lost.
Remember to always have a little intimacy in your life & as always I’m talking about Intimacy With Nature.

@King Nyax I’m not sure hey. It would definitely help though if we got updates on such matters from them even on a daily basis considering there is news every hour on almost all radio stations.
A great piece…I am wondering why the Ministries of Mines and the one for Environment are silent on this