Without a doubt, road trips are one of the most refreshing activities in life. Being in a different environment and allowing our minds to be lost in the complexities of nature is truly rejuvenating. However, if not planned properly they may end up badly and that is why I have compiled this list with some of the most common mistakes I see being made during road trips.

1. Not informing anyone (you are not travelling with) of your travel plans
Whenever I travel without my husband, I make sure that he has access to my GPS trackers on both my phone and vehicle so that he knows exactly where I am in real time (he does the same). I also stay in constant communication with him and my parents, updating them at every key point.
Many times we plan our trips with the few people we are going to be on the road with, forgetting to inform those that we are leaving behind about our whereabouts. It is however crucial that we stay in contact with some of those people we trust in case of something going wrong. This ensures that any issues that arise are known quicker, thus increasing the chances of help coming sooner.

Zimbabwe is definitely a safe country in comparison to many others. However, here and there, cases of hijacking, kidnapping, among others are reported and so it is best to always be prepared for such. I know before something happens to us, we always feel like it is far-fetched but when it comes to travelling, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Someone shared with me a story of how their sibling was involved in a car accident and they only got to find out about it three days later since he lived alone in a different city and it was quite common for them to go for some days without communicating. Unfortunately, the news they received after those three days was that he had already passed on in a hospital. She expressed to me that had they known sooner they would have taken him to a private hospital where maybe the outcome may have been different or at the very least they would have been by his side during this difficult time.
2. Compromising on the means of transport

I have been contacted by way too many people who have failed to reach their intended destination because they compromised on their choice of transport and ended up driving a vehicle that has not been serviced in years.
At this point they would be asking me if I know of any car hire company that is found in one of the smaller towns which I do not. The only solution for them would be to wait for a vehicle to come from Harare. This of course will cost way more money than if the proper planning had been done right from the beginning.

A reliable vehicle also does not have to be yours, neither does it have to be private, it can even be public transport. The most important thing is to be in a safe vehicle during your road trip and also arriving safely at your final destination.
3. Travelling without a First Aid Kit
I know for a fact that the majority of us do not travel with a First Aid kit. This is one of those things where the more you travel and not need it, the more you feel confident that you can continue travelling without it and you will never need it. In most cases, many people are never going to need it but some are also going to need it. The fact that we do not know what life has in store for all of us is a reason we should all be prepared.

I worry especially for those who travel with children. Anything can literally happen during your trip from major accidents to minor accidents which require first Aid to be rendered. Whether it’s a bandage that needs to be put on a bruised sore or a splint on a broken arm, leg or medication to treat a headache, diarrhoea, stomach aches etc, a first aid kit is a must for anyone leaving their home to go on a trip. I have written a detailed article about some of the things that you should have in your First Aid kit and you can find it on this link.
4. Heavily relying on Google Maps
The modern way of living has definitely spoiled us with quick fixes on our phones. The way we rely on Google Maps is quite scary considering how some of the directions given can be worrisomely wrong.
In Zimbabwe most game parks are in remote areas where there are network connectivity issues. To then rely so much on Google Maps, only to find out when you are completely off grid that you are lost and can not get hold of anyone is a reality that many have found themselves in including myself.

When visiting unfamiliar destinations, I have since learnt to verify with the hosts first if it is safe to use Google Maps and if not then request for directions which I’ll make sure I have understood well before the trip by checking significant landmarks on google maps. It is also better to have a printed copy of these directions in case of electronic gadgets failing.
5. Drunk driving or having a drunk driver
It is unfortunate that we have to continue talking about something that seems so obvious such as drunk driving because amongst us there are people who still brag about being great drunk drivers. They even go as far as saying they are better drivers when they are drunk than when they are sober.
You know in your heart that in your circle of friends or family there are drivers whom you allow to drive you while they are drunk. Maybe you are even the drunk driver. It doesn’t matter if you have been doing it for 5-10 years and nothing bad has happened yet. It is happening on a daily basis to many others like you and soon enough it will be your turn.

The most painful part is rarely do these people take only their lives during the ordeal but the lives of other innocent road users too. Let us please hold each other accountable especially as family and/or friends.
I hope this list is helpful and serves as a reminder when planning our road trips so that we have the best and safe time during our road trips.
Remember to have a little intimacy in your life and as always I’m talking about Intimacy with Nature.